Frank Björklund

"Rain is in the Air"

Frank Björklund's painting "Rain is in the Air" is one of our highlight in Mollbrink's stand at London Art Fair 2025.


This painting has a strong ecological message!

Frank Björklund

"Bon Voyage (Be prepaird)"


oil on canvas, 70x80 cm

Read more about the artist and his thoughts about this painting.

The artist about this painting:

When the ice and snow melted, the true landscape of Antarctica revealed itself. Mountains and plains, almost like a tundra. With more or less nothing to eat. For a penguin, though fast and gracious in water, walking on land is slow and a bit awkward.


Recognizing this new problem in their lifestyle. Yes, becoming their new normal. This penguin realizes transport is crucial. From the breeding grounds all the way to the ocean. Transporting food up and down the tundra.


Here you see Mr. P. Enguin and his new carrier. It´s a reuse from the fifties.  (A pedal boat/car, environmentally friendly of course. Like all penguins are. Setting an example for us all.


Frank Björklund


"Rain is in the air"


oil on canvas, 50x60 cm, this painting will be exhibited at London Art Fair 2025 and has a strong ecological message!

Frank Björklund

"The Rain is in the Air "

oil on canvas, 50x60 cm

The Rain is in the Air     oil on canvas   50 x 60 cm

Extreme weather. Heat, drought, rain and flooding. But since it probably here to stay, shouldn´t we just call it normal weather?


Yes it´s a comment about the environment. Kind of heavy subject. But i like to turn thing around, to make a point. Dare I say with a sense of humor?


If it´s raining umbrellas, what will we take cover under? Maybe nowhere to go? Heavy rain, do we need helmets? Why is there a sunken boat in the left corner?


I like questions...


Frank Björklund

Deepsea Diver

Frank Björklund

"Deepsea fisher"

Yes that´s right, fisher not fisherman.


Or the seas are overfished. Not like it used to be. You must go a lot deeper to find any fish. Or change your diet.


But there´s one family of entrepreneurs. They started a local business. Fishing at the bottom of the ocean.  Starting in the middle of the night  and selling the catch early in the morning at the local market.


Members of the family managing the pumps. Here you see their son showing up his diving helmet. Proudly I might ad.



Frank Björklund

The Novice

Frank Björklund

"The Novice"

Like most people, the penguins are usually satisfied with a normal everyday life. In their case, swimming, fishing and eating. Day in and day out.


But some are adrenaline junkies. Exploring themselves and the world in a different way. Pushing the limits of their own capacity. Getting a rush. Never thinking about any handicap, they may have been born with.


Inspired by Ikaros (and to be honest, the Wright brothers to) he set his mind. May his spirits lift and body take off. Maybe not today, but one day he’s going to make it. Getting high on exploring new worlds and heights.


Setting an example for us all. - Dreams do come true.


Frank Björklund

A man of many Hats

Frank Björklund

"A man of many Hats"

oil on canvas, 40x30 cm

Ever since I was child, I´ve been taught to question stories, news articles and pretentions. I also know that some people have a misperception that beliefs are the same as truth and facts.


If you show 10 people a red tomato and then ask them to describe it. It will probably show you 10 different red tomatoes. Maybe even a green one. So, we all have variety of references, through religion, culture and school. This is a really big question formulation, too big for this little comment. But you see where I´m going?


Some people are easily impressed. Some are tougher, like me, to get on board. It doesn´t matter if it´s presidents or the common man.  So, when somebody says: - He is a man of many hats! I always want to know: - How big are the hats?


Frank Björklund

Abut the artist:

Swedish artist, born 1960 in Härnösand. Autodidact.


Frank Björklunds debuted as an exhibitor in Östersund in 1985.


The first paintings testified to his admiration for the Belgian surrealist artist René Magritte, who became his great idol. However, Björklund considered that he was a rather clumsy artist, then Dalí was better as a painter. He, on the other hand, could stay awake for two or three days to be able to see dimly, but it's nothing for me, says Björklund.


Björklund's surreal and humorous images cannot be compared to any other Swedish artist. Possibly he feels a certain friendship with GAN, the Swedish surrealist, Gösta Adrian Nilsson, who today is counted among Sweden’s greatest artists from the twentieth century.


Nowadays, Björklund is such a technical virtuoso that he can paint like Caravaggio. Fabrics, shadows and lights, surfaces of all kinds.

He reads lots of books in all sorts of genres, "it fills up the store of ideas", when he wants to relax he plays hard rock.



About his motifs

Frank paints in an idea world, where all the big questions exists. Politics, environment, sex, philosophy and so on. Where and who are we and where are we going.


The painting goes where the idea takes it. Whichever it´s a still life, a landscape or portraying man, the idea rules.


He uses renaissance allegory’s, everyday objects and modern icons to give you clues where the painting is heading.


Because it´s all a journey.

He paints in the surreal tradition with a modern twist.


As Frank says:

- You´ve got to honor your heroes. That´s why he has a mind like Magritte and follows the painting technique of Dali.



oil on canvas, 40x50 cm, this painting will be exhibited at London Art Fair 2025

Frank Björklund


oil on canvas, 40x50 cm

Some words and comments about this image...´s an enigma. Work it out.


Frank Björklund

Frank on titles:

A good title should be like a ticket to a good journey.


The specific words in the title should give you clues and direction to where the painting is heading. Yes, of course, we have different backgrounds and therefore different references and experiences to words. But that only means the journey is different for all of us. The more you can read in to painting the longer ride you will get. Sometimes it never stops. Even though the image is the same…


The painting should have a literary quality. There should be a story, a thought that draws you in. Like the renaissance painters I like to use allegories or more modern icons to give hints and to lead you in. Into the inner landscape of the image.


And with a little luck, into yourself.”

Welcome to my World!

- Frank

Visit our stand, G12, at the London Art Fair and meet the artist Frank Björklund!